Beginning students, especially adults, seem to have a lot of trouble finding time to practice. The list of excuses is very long, and I believe I've heard almost all of them by now. Here are some tips to getting yourself into a practice routine.
- Make the time. Yes, that's right, make the time. Like any other skill, playing guitar takes time, concentration, and commitment. A set time of the day is best, so schedule it like any other important appointment.
- You're too busy, really? I hear that more and more. Here's a hint: turn off the TV, close Facebook, put the computer to sleep and pick up your guitar. Just like exercise, practicing guitar will become a habit if you do it at a set time each day.
- Any time spent practicing is better than none. We all need to practice more, me included. The question I get from parents all the time is "how much time should he/she be practicing?" The general answer is 15 minutes or more, the practical answer is as much as possible. You don't have to spend hours, but playing every day is a lot better than 3 hours one day and then none the rest of the week.
- Find a comfortable space to practice in. If at all possible, find a place where you can practice that's quiet, away from any distractions, and preferably set up as a guitar practice space. Having your guitar on a stand is a good idea, since it's harder to ignore it when it's right there in front of you. Invest in a decent music stand so you don't have to waste valuable time locating your music, finding a place to put it, and then finally getting started on your daily practice.