Saturday, June 30, 2012

Frustrated and Other Negative Terms

Are you slowing your progress with negative thinking?

I have a new student, he's been playing for 4 weeks, and he must have used the word "frustrating" no less than 15 times at his lesson! Are you doing that too? Yes, beginning guitar lessons is very hard at first. Your fingers feel fat, they won't go where your brain tells them to go and to add insult to injury they hurt when you play. Wow, no wonder he was frustrated.

How to overcome the beginning guitar player blues?

  • Accept the fact that you're a beginner. No one starts playing the guitar or any other instrument without feeling frustrated. After a couple lessons you realize it's not a short term project.
  • Make it a game. See how many times you can play song, exercise or scale without a mistake. Set the metronome to painfully slow, play the music, and when you can do that perfectly, in time, without stopping, kick the beats up a little. Key words, a little.
  • Record yourself.  Many beginning guitar students can't hear any progress, so one technique I recommend is recording yourself. Do that, listen to it, then put it away for a few weeks. The next time you listen to it you should be amazed at the progress you've made, provided you've been practicing in between.
  • Get feedback from your teacher. When your guitar teacher suggests something or points out a problem area, pay attention! The goal before your next lesson should be to fix whatever the problem area is so you can move forward.
  • Be extremely patient. I know, easy for me to say! Learning guitar is all about muscle memory and unfortunately it's not something you develop instantly. While practicing does help, the process really can't be accelerated that much. Playing music is definitely a time art.
  • Lose the negative terms and thinking. Attitude plays a major role in your ability to progress. Don't allow your "lizard brain" as Seth Godin calls it get the best of you. Think positive thoughts and look at learning the guitar like the challenge that it is.
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