Friday, July 6, 2012

Building Left Hand Strength and Independence

In order to play for a considerable length of time, your left hand needs to be strong.

Here are a few left hand exercises to help you gain strength and independence in your left hand:
  1. Hold down the 1st string, (the skinny one closest to your leg) at the 1st fret and then pick the string.
  2. Without taking the 1st finger off of the 1st fret, play the 4th fret with your 4th (pinky) finger. Don't avoid using the pinky, yes it's weak, and yes many people work around it. If you're going to play barre chords and complicated solos, you'll be glad you took the time to strengthen it.
  3. Without taking the 1st finger off the 1st fret, play the 3rd fret with your 3rd finger.
  4. Without taking the 1st finger off the 1st fret, play the 4th fret with your 4th finger.
  5. 1st finger, first fret.
  6. Without taking the 1st finger off the 1st fret, play the 4th fret with your 4th finger.
  7. Without taking the 1st finger off the 1st fret, play the 2nd fret with your 2nd finger.
  8. Without taking the 1st finger off the 1st fret, play the 4th fret with your 4th finger.t
The left hand fingering should be 1, 4, 3, 4, 1, 4, 2, 4. Leaving the 1st finger down through the whole exercise is what makes the strengthening and independence take place. In addition, this exercise promotes the idea of position playing, which is using one finger per fret in a section of the guitar fingerboard.

Do this exercise 2 or 3 times on each string every time you practice, and you'll notice results in a short time. It will make it easier to reach notes and hold them down without buzzing.

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